Monday, September 19, 2005

All that Matters

Hello world. I was productive today. I made garlic meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I wrote a ten-minute play and it makes me laugh. I went grocery shopping and studied more of the driver's guide. Maybe tomorrow I will take my knowlege test for a new license. Then I took night photos from the balcony, because I could. The end. And sweet dreams to you. Oh and I am going to submit my play to the annual contest that has a November 1 deadline. Now the end for real. I am tired and reek of garlic so I should just go to bed. G'night. Sweet dreams again. Don't let anything bite you on the ass. Can I please have a glass of water? I can't wait for tomorrow to reread my play and see if it's as good as I think it is. But then right away I always get excited and think my work is brilliant until I sleep on it, and then I see it's always broken. Maybe tomorrow will be different. Okay. The end again.

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