Friday, June 16, 2006

My eyes are weeping. The rest of me is fine.

Hello, allergies! O, how I've missed our special time together!

I am an eye drop dropping freak. My makeup is tear streaked. I look like I'm having a helluva morning, but no. No, my head is hosting a sinus convention and pollen has the floor.

Mike Doughty's "I Hear the Bells." Listen to it.

Work gave me two tickets to see a Mariners game at Safeco Field, so Jer and I will be doing that tonight. I must be psychic because I see beer in my future. And eyedrops. Beer flavored eyedrops.

Never said I was a good psychic.

Also, I turned on comments. Knock yourselves out.


George said...



That's the sound of me hitting the floor after knocking myself out. Figure you can't see me with the eye-problem and all.

Folly Blaine said...

In that case, knock yourself out AND give me all your money. Er, strike that, reverse it. Money first then thud.

Lily said...

Damn! I missed my chance to instruct you to have an overpriced beer for me. And a hot dog. And nachos. God I love baseball park food.

Folly Blaine said...

No hot dogs but there was garlic fries and overpriced beer, so you know, I tried.