Saturday, July 01, 2006

covering my tracks

I finally decided to be efficient about this whole blog thing; I set up a Bloglines account. Now I can subscribe to RSS feeds and read all new posts from one centrally located location, whereas before I was some crazy stalker person who relied on reload refresh for all her voyeur needs.

I'm probably the last person who hadn't done this yet and you all already know about it and you're thinking why were you so stubborn, Christy? What the hell is wrong with you, anyway?

I just didn't feel like it, okay? I fear change.

This blog has had a feed set up since its inception, so I've always supported the none other people who wanted to view my updates efficiently. It just wasn't for me. Until yesterday. And now it's a whole new world; my faith is restored in the internets. I no longer have to show up a dozen times in a stranger's referrer logs because I couldn't remember if I'd already visited a site six times that day. Obsessive and forgetful are two traits that don't go great together. And Bloglines is just the tool to cover my tracks.

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