Saturday, January 13, 2007


It snowed a few days ago and it's been freezing ever since. says it's 25 degrees, but feels like 16. Most of the snow is still out there; it hasn't been warm enough to melt. As for me, I've got a Chiana in my lap and am contemplating going back into work. That may however require coffee and will definitely require a shower. Maybe even a Lean Pocket.

I hung out with friends at Gameworks last night and then took a cab home. I had to convince the driver to take me all the way since conditions in parts of West Seattle are icy and his company had warned him not to go there. I assured him we were not going to an icy part -- we weren't -- and I tipped him well. I'm grateful it worked out because that was not a night for standing on a corner and waiting for a bus that might or might not show. I did that Tuesday night. My bus was 45 minutes late and I don't think I've ever been so cold. Had to make Jer pick me up. Still feel a little bad about that.

I've got a lot of stuff going on next week, which is only different than usual in that I will be away from my computer at training. Or possibly bowling. If I were a betting gal, I'd say blog content will continue to suffer. Of course that implies that sometimes it does not suffer, and frankly that would be a bold statement to make.

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