Monday, March 24, 2008

First Day Back

It was a good day.


Not much else to report, besides that it's strange to get off the bus at a different stop after almost 2 1/2 years. One of these mornings I am going to forget and then I will be sad.

I heard word about another festival I was accepted into, but it conflicts with another I applied to. Frankly I just didn't realize they were the same weekend, and also I didn't expect to be accepted to both. Now I have to see if I can honorably withdraw from the one that has cashed my check but not officially accepted me yet. Versus the one that has officially accepted me without having my check. A pretty pickle.

Speaking of pickles... dill pickle relish in my tuna salad sandwich is very tasty.


Melain said...

Change is exciting, but can be difficult. I'm breaking into hives just anticipating the changes that are coming up for me.

Your random pickle tangent is pure silliness. I love it. :)

Folly Blaine said...

But pickles are not random! They are true and sequential. Except unless you are not in my head at that moment, then I suppose I can see how you would miss the connecting logic.

Besides, your change is way bigger than my change. I am working five blocks away and you are moving all sorts of far! That is way more admirable.