Today I did two things I've been putting off. First, I rescheduled my trip to New Orleans. Apparently I was not prescient enough last September to realize it fell at the start of a major government deadline that I am supposed to have opinions about.
I lost money on the plane tickets, but it's no worse than what I've lost in my 401k so it's a total win. Or something. And it's removed an ocean of stress... Let's see if Jer realizes I moved the trip to coincide with our 9 year anniversary.
In related news, NINE YEARS.
Secondly, I just filled out the Northwest Folklife contract. That means I'm committing to it. Better go shoot some pictures.
Thirdly, which I didn't mention but it's happening, is I've decided I should have an opinion on Robyn Hitchcock. So I just bought some of his CDs and the purchase included downloads that I'm listening to right now. The CDs were all $5 and I picked up, "Black Snake Diamond Role," "Element of Light," "Eye," "I Often Dream of Trains," "Ole! Tarantula," and "Sex, Food, Death and Tarantulas." They threw in that last one for free because being a grownup is so awesome.
Instant gratification for the win.
One week from tonight I will be in San Francisco, probably in our Japanese-themed hotel room. Jer and I are going to my dear friend's wedding. I should probably buy a dress. All I have is a red one and black one and neither are really appropriate. Next week is going to be crazy in general with lots of very important work people visiting, but let's not talk about that. Let's just enjoy the music.
Also, I should tell you how much I enjoy watching "Bones." It's inconsistent and not always realistic, but man, I dig me some Bones. Now you know everything.
Yeah, I saw that 9 on my calendar the other day. Doesn't seem that it should be that long, at least to me.
Perspex Island is one of my all time favorite albums. Love me some Robyn.
Want/need SF food and drink recs?
Lily, seriously, I know. I am running out of fingers.
KikiRiki, thanks! I'll look into it.
George, yes, please!
You already know my food pics: Ghirardelli and Jelly Belly. The Jelly Belly Factory is only about an hour from The City. One of the best hamburgers of my life and it's shaped like a Jelly Belly!
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