Thursday, May 07, 2009

True confessions

I eat an embarrassing amount of Hormel Chili.

In the next two days I am scheduled to tour six homes. One of the tours is during my lunch hour.

Today I completed the first draft of my first requirements document, co-written with an Application Architect. Also, I named a new product.

Today I drank more coffee than water.

I haven't had any alcohol since New Orleans. That will change.

I would rather be playing World of Warcraft.

I'm not sure what I'm going to wear tomorrow.

The best barbecue I've ever had was at the airport in Houston last week. I ate it twice, once on the layover there and once on the layover back.

I just spelled ate, "ait."

I only have 2 weeks until I have to play craft vendor for four days.

I feel like talking but I don't have anything to say.


Lily said...

It's because the chili is so versatile -- mix it with scrambled eggs, Fritos, spaghetti (which I've never tried but I know you like), in a sandwich with sourdough bread, with Hershey's kisses.... I'm hungry.

Folly Blaine said...

That is a very good reason, except I have only been eating it out of a bowl. I bought some Cajun Power Garlic Sauce in New Orleans -- first used it at Cajun Kitchen in SB -- and have been going a little crazy with it. So good though.