Thursday, July 30, 2009


Went swimming again and it was awesome. Since then I've been entertaining myself by reading articles about the best way to prepay a mortgage. Apparently there are options. Prepay, invest, emergency fund, home improvements, other savings... I spend my work life prioritizing items, so this should be a piece of cake, right?

In this case it's more about optimism. Do I think Jer or I will lose our jobs? Do I think the house needs maintenance?

If you've ever read an entry here, you know this is what I do for fun. I spend a lot of time playing the "what if" game. You're remarkably patient if you're still reading.

I don't think I've mentioned yet that we picked up the keys and closed successfully. So you know, yay. Only two weeks-ish to go.


MommaJen said...

If you are ever looking for an opponent in the "What-If" Game, Greg is a master!

Maya said...

Congrats!! And my vote is for the emergency fund. Always have one!