Thursday, July 11, 2013

Acceptances to report

I'm excited to share that I've had two items accepted for publication recently:

  1. "The Hero Garden" is being reprinted in a dark superhero-themed anthology called Bad Company, coming out in October 2013.

  2. My poem "Shag" has been accepted by Kaleidotrope for publication in 2014.
I've also had a reprint of "Taking the Winds" accepted for the Write1Sub1 anthology--not sure of the timing on that--and a new short story called "The Man at the End of the Chain," which will be published in Jennifer Brozek's upcoming anthology, Beast Within 4: Gears and Growls. I don't think there's a date for that one yet either.

I might have mentioned some of these before, but this is the first time I've gathered all of the announcements in one post.

Now for the really hard part: being patient while I wait to share the stories!

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