Sunday, January 29, 2006

Slipcovers, crepes, and short stories

I jumped (full throttle) out of my comfort zone Friday night when I went to a girls'-night-out dinner with co-workers I didn't know well. Of course it was fine. The food was decent (PF Changs), the drinks only eh, and there was good conversation. I can safely say I filled my social quota for the week.

But the true star of Friday was lunch: Vietnamese sandwiches, a Nutella/Banana/whipped cream crepe, and snooping around the convention center. Come to think of it, I didn't accomplish a lot of actual work on Friday, but I did up my flibberty-gibbet cred. That's got to count for something.

Yesterday, Jer and I bought slipcovers for the couch and recliner to match the new pub table and chairs, a storage bench for the front hallway, and a couple of candy bars for being such good consumers. Then I played Warcraft. I'm on Khaz Modan these days, building up a Troll Priest named Gurt. But that could change at any minute. I may bow out and go back to my warrior or my mage, it all depends on unseen forces, shaping and crafting my capricious video game whims.

As we walked around Target looking at the varying shades of red available in slipcover technology, my eyes fell upon the novelty pillow section. Also called the "Pink and fluffy, heart shaped nightmare section replete with cutesy stupid sayings embroidered in white script." I looked solemnly at Jer and said, "Nothing says I love you like a pillow that says I love you."

In other news, I'm thoroughly enjoying reading and finding inspiration in Shirley Jackson's short stories. Turns out, there's more to her catalogue than "The Lottery." Take that 8th grade English teachers everywhere!

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