Thursday, June 19, 2008

More Fremont Fair Info

I thought I'd link to this article about the Fremont Fair on the Seattle Traveler. It has a bit more background on the event and parade.

If you do end up looking for On Focus Photo at the fair, I should be on N 34th Street, mid-way between Evanston and Phinney and my booth will look roughly like this:

Only 2 days to go!


Folly Blaine said...

Hey, credit savvy. If you're not intending to spam then I apologize for deleting your comment, but it's coming across that way with the credit repair link and your anonymous handle.

I always welcome comments and feedback but the overt advertising isn't really what I'm going for here. If it were, I'd put up my own ads. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the shout out and link.

I'll have to miss the solstice celebration, but will look for your booth in West Seattle.

Folly Blaine said...

Thanks for keeping such a great site, mary jo! I've been reading your feed for at least a year; you always have the best information.