Saturday, October 14, 2006

It's Saturday morning and I'm sitting on the floor, at the coffee table, in front of my laptop. I'm doing work stuff, sort of, when I'm not feeling like a martyr and trying to get the internet to recognize my grand commitment to career and real-time adherence. This hasn't been the best week. I acted like a jackass on more than one occasion. I drank too much. I ate too much. And by Friday I decided I have to wrap up this current Age of Gluttony and move on to healthier things. Or be doomed.

It's slow going so far. But I'm trying.

I reorganized my finances so I can pay off my photography school loan at the end of this year. That's a $17K weight off my shoulders. It's like I bought a car that no one else can see, an imaginary car that talks about f-stops and filters instead of driving anywhere. At least it's fuel efficient, not existing and all, but I sure do wish that money went to something tangible.

Here's my Halloween costume. I bought it cheap on ebay, but who's counting? I also bought a basket that came with a wolf's head and a pair of black Mary Janes. It's going to be totally sweet. (In the interest of full disclosure, I also bought this costume, but it's a little too short for the office. I like it because it gives me an excuse to drink wine all day.)

Lastly, I stayed home sick on Wednesday because everytime I tried to stand I nearly fainted. But now I'm better. The end.

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