Monday, December 14, 2009

look into my eyes and feel a strong desire to tweet

If you subscribe to this blog's feed, you may not have noticed my semi-regular twitter updates as follyblaine on the main page. I wouldn't say I tell secrets exactly, but I totally do. Secrety secretive secrets.

Like, I share how you can download A Confederacy of Dunces for free from through tomorrow. If you haven't read it, you should check it out. Great book.

Or I link to this incredible demonstration of SixthSense Technology. We are living in a glorious future my friends, where even your shoes can play pong on public transit.

Watch and be amazed.

I admit I am far behind the times with this whole thing. I don't even have a data package on my phone to tweet whenever the mood strikes, so I must save up my pithy wit to impart at a more convenient hour.

Spontaneity is dead. Long live spontaneity.

I have no plans to cease over-sharing past 140 characters. It is my life's goal to say many things without saying anything at all. Twitter is just another means to a happy end.

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