Friday, February 04, 2011

Return of the Drizzle

The pork and beans recipe I mentioned in the last post was only okay. I don't think I'll make it again; it just wasn't flavorful enough. I like the idea of it though, so I'll keep an eye out for another version.

If you have a favorite, let me know.

We've had some fantastic weather in Seattle this week. Bright blue skies and chilly most days. Then this morning the gray returned to drape everything like a cozy old coat.

I love this place.

I've been working on posting more photos to my stock photography account. You can click the image below to check it out:

Stock photography by Christy+Varonfakis+Johnson at Alamy

I posted another 10 photos yesterday. The number should be a lot bigger, but every bit helps. I'll get there.

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