Monday, July 16, 2012

Manual labor, a mountain, and other people's words

We had another round of family visiting, but they're gone as of this morning. It was a productive visit that involved building a fence and replacing a mailbox. And last Friday we took a bus trip out to Mt. Rainier National Park to enjoy the scenery. I, of course, took many photos that are still trapped in the camera. We walked the Trail of Shadows and did a short hike out to the Grove of the Patriarchs to see some old growth trees.

I spent this morning rewriting a flash piece and then sent it out in the afternoon, so my brain is a little fried on words. I have a week before I go to Texas so I need to bank a few more podcasts and submissions now-ish.

I'm also participating in the Shock Totem Flash Contest for July, which means I'm in the middle of 40 peer reviews. This translates to about 40,000 words so I'm not hurting for reading material. It's been an interesting experience and I look forward to seeing how it all ends up.

Aaaand that's what I've been up to.

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