Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Ides of December

Tonight I am getting gussied up for the company holiday party. At two I'll go over and help decorate. I'll hang my Stupid Bows and string clear bright lights and listen to the sweet sounds of ocean living. Then I'll race home and tear open my makeup kit and apply goop and powder and straighten and curl and wriggle into tight tight nylons. I plan NOT to put my thumb through the nylons like I usually do, because I only have black nail polish and if I tried to patch the tears with black nail polish I think I'd blow my girlish cover.

BF and I exchanged Christmas presents yesterday. I tried to hold out, I did, but I've got no will power. I bought him anime and video games. He bought me a 17" flat screen monitor. Wha? Where the hell did he hide that? I couldn't stop saying, "But how-- where--? You bought me a monitor?!!"

In order to attend tonight's ball, I must up like Cinderella and finish what I'm working on. Or no makeup for me.

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