Friday, September 15, 2006

Peer Pressured!

Here are five songs that make me cry. For George. I am not as good as George about explaining why the songs make me cry so you'll just have to take my word for it.

Frou Frou, Let Go

Two lines get me:

"Don't you know that all that stuff's a sideshow..."
"...'cause there's beauty in the breakdown..."

This one was on repeat for weeks until I became properly desensitized. Something about the swelling of the music and those two lines combine to make me weepy.

Rebekah del Rio, Crying (Llorando)

First heard it in "Mulholland Drive." I can't sing along because I don't know Spanish. Plus I can't sing. So I sit there, listen, and I am sad.

Barenaked Ladies, Break Your Heart

The live version on the Rock Spectacle album, in particular. He howls. Howls in the middle of the song.

"I couldn't tell you I was happy when you were gone
So I lied and said that I missed you when we were apart.
I couldn't tell you, so I had to lead you on
But I didn't mean to break your heart.

Ani DiFranco, Untouchable Face

Reminds me of things I'd rather not think about. Namely, me on a bad day.

"so fuck you
and your untouchable face
and fuck you
for existing in the first place
and who am i
that i should be vying for your touch
and who am i
i bet you can't even tell me that much"

Garth Brooks, Standing Outside the Fire

I am defensive about this one, but I have to include it since I just cried when the music video came on about a week ago. (I told Jeremy it was allergies.) I blame the video. The video is very dramatic. Your heart would be cold and dead if you did not cheer on that tireless young man who the coach tried to force into the Special Olympics, but oh no, he insisted on running in the "real" race and then he tripped and fell and the stadium caught fire while Garth Brooks was singing in his cowboy hat and then the boy's father, who was only worried about what was best for his son and didn't want to see him ridiculed, helped him rise and then the boy crossed the finish line and everybody hugged. The end.

Damn you, Garth Brooks. Damn you for making me feel.


Lily said...

Great, I got weepy just reading the synopsis of the video.

George said...

Sorry I forced you into this, but you did a great job, even if I don't understand why not being able to sing and not knowing Spanish should stop you from singing in Spanish.

You're supposed to tag 3 other bloggers now and make them do it. It's, like, viral and shit.