Friday, September 01, 2006

Here we are. On this, my day off. I have these grand vague plans about how I'll spend the day, but so far it's turning out like all my other days off. Three hours after facing the harsh light of morning, I'm still unshowered, and sipping Bailey's and coffee. I'm running the dishwasher and doing laundry. I'm thinking about going for a walk along the water. I can see that it's a temperate seventy degrees out there with a nice breeze, clear blue skies, and not too many people in my way. I can't stand people in my way. But mostly I'm enjoying these quiet moments, watching the cats sleep on different levels of their cat condo,(Tony Danza's talk show on the tv behind me so it's not entirely quiet) and drinking down my second cup of coffee.

Sometimes I need to isolate myself from the whir of everything. I get so caught up in my job and my stupid problems and people that I reach a saturation point and from then on I let it all wash over me without reacting. So one of my grand vague plans for this weekend is to spend time trying to mentally detox. Relax. Sort and shuffle the craziness into their individual piles for processing. Defrag my mind. That sort of thing.

Alone with my music and thoughts, occasionally assaulting my liver with drink, and crawling out clean. That's the plan.

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