Sunday, September 26, 2004

H.R. 163 and the World of Tomorrow

Saw "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow." I liked it. It made me hopeful.

I heard on the radio about pending legislation in the House and Senate (twin bills: S 89 and HR 163) meant to reinstitute the draft. Have you heard about this? There's talk of requiring 18-26 year olds --- men and women alike -- conscripting them into two years of national service? No escape to Canada, no escape to college...

Snopes has a blurb about this here.

They say "probably not." It probably won't happen.

You can read about H.R. 163 here.

Read about S.89 here.

Don't worry citizen, college is overrated anyway. Who needs that analytical nonsense?

Point. And counterpoint.

Farscape marathon coming soon to a Sci-Fi channel near you. The fun begins Oct. 1 at 8am.

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