Sunday, July 09, 2006

if this entry were a dog it'd be a mutt

My laptop inches ever closer. Tomorrow is the day I lose my tether.

After a month long break I started going back to the gym. Three months on, 1 month off. I didn't lose everything I'd built up, but I am sore today. Okay yes, maybe there's been whimpering and some fetal curling and a little bit of booze to dull the ache. Other than that I'm handling it very well.

This week I'm addicted to Spider Solitaire. Best score so far, easy level, 99 moves. I'm not too shabby at the medium level either, but I can't remember my score. I've yet to crack difficult. It's a tough nut.

I finished Angela Carter's "The Bloody Chamber." Now I'm reading Kathe Koja's "Skin."

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