Sunday, March 05, 2006

bring it

Yesterday I added weights to my fitness routine and so today was pain day. A thousand tiny threads pulling at muscles in my abdomen, ripping them down and tearing into pinpoints of achiness.

The moral of this story is that I am a wuss.

I have not been good company to be around, but at least my foot doesn't hurt anymore.

I apologize. I am sort of single-minded about the gym thing because I am afraid that if I get distracted I'll forget to go. It's happened before. And I don't want to be that little girl again who took flute lessons but didn't practice the flute in her spare time and her teacher totally knew and she always felt guilty. So yeah. Not doing that.

By the way, the thing that seems to have fixed my foot is Dr. Scholl's inserts for athletic shoes.

I am still playing more World of Warcraft than I should. And there's the work thing, and the class thing. I would like to give special thanks to my iPod for being such a good sport. I couldn't do this without you, iPod. You give me a reason to walk in place faster.

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