Thursday, August 20, 2009

Let there be light scheming

Last night I had an epic adventure. See there's this chandelier...

So a few weeks ago I fell in love with a lighting fixture. I asked Jer to buy it for me for my birthday; he tried. It was a very good deal and it sold out before his order processed. Since it was discontinued I had a hard time finding it for a reasonable price. And then there was eBay.

I negotiated with an eBay seller to get the price down -- it was one of those best offer auctions -- and we finally worked out the details. He shipped it UPS to the old address. Fine.

So our neighbors are very helpful. Sometimes they are helpful to the point where I was deeply nervous they would see an attempted package delivery to us or an InfoNotice and they would confiscate it. Because clearly we've moved out, er, they've moved on. Although we have paid rent through 8/31, a VACANT sign is attached to our mailbox and while I was upstairs (WAITING FOR THE UPS GUY TO RING THE BUZZER) they replaced our names on the buzzer directory with nothingness. So there was no way for the guy to tell which unit to buzz.

We even left our neighbors a note the day before explaining we were waiting on a package.


I took the 4:40pm water taxi to West Seattle from work, cleaned the apartment a bit, and waited until 7pm to take the last water taxi back downtown -- my car brakes are still dying. And just as I had given up all hope of meeting the UPS guy, I swung the door open and he was standing right there! I almost hugged him. He explained he had rung some other buzzers until they let him in, since he had the unit number but no way to buzz. I thanked him profusely, then raced to meet the water taxi.

On my way out I confirmed that in the 2 hours I was upstairs someone had removed our names from the buzzer list. Ugh.

I can't wait to finally see the chandelier. I hope it looks like the picture.

I arrived downtown about 7:25pm. Raced up to the University Street Transit Station, Bay A, and hopped on the bus. I arrived at my stop about 8:17pm and walked the half mile home.

Before bed I finished another Sookie Stackhouse book and fell asleep. Chiana slept in Jer's spot. The end.

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