Monday, November 29, 2010

Turkey goal reached

My turkey is safe at home now. Didn't mean to leave you hanging. I picked it up from the office on Sunday. Also, the weather warmed up enough so we could venture to the Thanksgiving party I spent the morning lamenting. But that's not a very good story owing to its lack of mayhem.

Tonight is my first Weight Watchers meeting in 2 weeks (due to my love of traction) and the first since the program change. I just logged into eTools and I'm excited to see they'll be taking protein and carbohydrates into account, since that was how I tracked when I worked with a trainer -- since then calories abstracted into points based only on fat and fiber felt like cheating.

I'll learn more tonight.

I played several hours of World of Warcraft over the weekend, and I'm still trying to decide if I should put my subscription on hold or if I'm responsible enough to handle the addiction this time around. Maybe I'll just play a few more hours before I decide for realz.

December sneaked up on me.

It's pouring buckets, but not snowing. I find this agreeable.

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