Sunday, November 06, 2005

Half of an Ass

Money was spent, feet were worn, Warcraft was played, and quesadillas were made. That's the last two days in a nutshell.

It rained a lot yesterday and I accidently drove my car on the center divider, but so far the tire hasn't flattened and I guess I'm okay. After a random power outage, I got a little paranoid and lit an apple candle and passed out on the couch. I lost some writing, not enough to truly fret, but enough where I was irritated. Outside and beneath the living room window were a fire truck and a police truck and another city vehicle flashing lights until the wee hours of the morning, shining a spot on a telephone pole. It looked like there were sparks coming off the pole, but it was hard to see on account of the rain. Before I fell asleep, I turned off our halogen lamp and watched them in the darkness. Though they weren't particularly interesting, mostly they just sat against the back of the fire truck and looked bored and cold. I was toasty warm with the electric heater on, and a soft green blanket artfully placed about my person.

Yeah, so. I've got an interview on Friday and I need to get some writing samples together. That sounds like an excellent project for Monday.

Man, I am the opposite of motivated to finish this entry. Thank you, sincerely, for muddling through it.

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