Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream..."

I had a hard time waking up this morning. I had little interest in the cold that waited outside my warm comforter. So the cat and I stayed in bed, and listened to the neighbors shower and start their day. I dreamed about the Gilmore Girls and all was good.

We've got free tickets to see a preview of "The Squid and the Whale" tonight, assuming I can find the theater and that there are seats left. They overbook the theater to guarantee a full house, which makes me nervous, but then what doesn't make me nervous. Don't answer that. I dressed up a little, no jeans today, to feel like a functional member of society and once my head stops pounding, I expect great things.

I need to replace the wiper blades on my car. Remember that.

I also need to find the state run liquor store. I bookmarked the nearest one, but have yet to map it. The trip requires some forethought because the store isn't open on Sunday, which I don't understand. I mean, beer and wine are available everywhere, but the hard stuff is tucked away from prying eyes. It's not like you can't get just as drunk with beer and wine. I guess it's just one of those things I'll have to get used to... like paying a $200 monorail tax to register my car.

Oh Seattle, let's not fight. I love you just the way you are.

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