Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sweet Dreams of Rhythm and Dancing

Apparently I'm a hick. I showed my hick-ness at a Washington Mutual ATM this fine afternoon while attempting to find a deposit envelope, which didn't exist. No, sir. They exist when you tell the machine thingy you wish to make a deposit, and then the machine auto-magically secretes the envelopes from a hidden slot like a ... like a ... thing that secretes stuff.

I held up the line. People were unhappy with me.

Then I ate sushi!

And I wore long underwear under my black slacks today. Because I am a rebel who likes to be warm. It didn't snow, but it was cold. The weather people say that it might snow later and that we should all continue to live in fear of ice patches. Especially if you have to drive on a bridge because then when you're driving you could go tumbling to your death at any moment. And then the article, to which I refer, ends with the phrase: take public transit! Cuz public transit is like kryptonite to snow. Apparently.

I finally gave COBRA the boot. Goodbye, COBRA. And I got paid for the first time at my new job. Hello, paycheck. Meet Mr. Savings Account. You will be the best of friends!

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