Thursday, December 29, 2005

Secure the Perimeter

There was a manhunt last night, outside our living room window. Dozens of police cars, lights flashing, pulled into all kinds of crazy angles on the street, a team of four officers trotting behind a police dog swinging wide beams of light at the bushes, a Coast Guard boat in the bay scanning the dark and placid water... Jer and I were watching "Mythbusters" when the commotion started and we saw the first of many flashing lights. And finally, the helicopter with its infrared capability, circling above our complex.

Jer and I sat by the balcony, trying to figure out what was happening. We overheard an officer ask, "Have you seen anybody run through here? Long hair, tattoos, handcuffs?"

The news at 10 didn't have much more information. An unsteady, blurry shot of the scene and a voiceover that police were searching for a man who'd stolen a police car while wearing handcuffs. The search was still going strong when I went to bed at 10:30. I guess it wasn't much later that they caught the guy.

Here's the official story: Man, arrested for stealing a car, steals police car

Still no internet at home, but now we've ruled out the cable modem. We have a second appointment to have our connection looked at on Saturday. And I bought a steam cleaner! And I need to buy thank you cards! We are falling so behind without our daily entries! Will we ever truly catch up again?

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