Monday, April 09, 2007

weight for it

I took a vacation day, just for fun. No reason. I just needed a day where I was free to wander around and not do anything. And not think anything except maybe, how the heck will I get downtown without a car?

I accidentally made a trainer appointment for my day off, but it worked out all right. I took an express bus into downtown at 10am and then hung out until my 1pm appointment. I set up my first Seattle library card, wandered around the library for awhile, used their nifty self check-out, window shopped at Daiso and bought a few frames at Aaron Brothers for the photos I'm donating to the auction. After my session I took a longer bus home and walked the half hour back. It was a little windy, but not too bad.

Now that all that's out of the way I was just entertaining myself by surfing the Internet and I found this CNN article. Since today was weigh-in day and body fat check at the gym, my weight was already on my mind. (I lost 3 pounds and 2% body fat since two weeks ago, w00t.) I guess I didn't realize or it hadn't occurred to me before, but I fall into the obese category. That seems really weird to me, since that's such a (excuse the pun) big word, with so many meanings packed into it. And not a small amount of judgment. When I picture an obese person in my head, it certainly isn't me. But there you go. It's just math, and you can't argue with math. Even if you want to.

Well, one good thing. It gives me a clearer focus on what my goal should be. (Lose 6%, 6%, 6%) I always kind of knew what it should be, but this article really drives it home. But I mean, really? Obese? It shouldn't surprise me, but it kinda does.


George said...

Beware a weight-loss plan that looks Satanic--666!

Folly Blaine said...

Rats. The entire entry was meant to subliminally subvert you all to my dark lord and master. The game is up, Moriarty!