Sunday, June 27, 2004

Sunday already?

I guess I should try to dissect this particular block. I should look directly into its rotting, gaping, drooling maw. Buckle down. String words together. And stop procrastinating. It's a recurring theme, when I'm in a waiting or holding period, I can't concentrate. I spend all my time trying not to think in an effort to keep anything from affecting me.

And now with TLC's "Clean Sweep, I've gone from zero to obsessed in two days. Watching people who have accumulated a lifetime of crap, who've attached significant emotional attachment to Things (like I have), and then a tv show comes along and forces them to reevaluate ... it makes for prime viewing enjoyment on so many levels. The fights, the tears, the browbeating, what fun! I can't go a whole episode without wandering the room looking for something to proffer to the gods of clean. In short, I am hooked.

I keep telling myself nothing matters when in fact everything does matter, and matters too much.

We're borrowing "Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando" for the PS2, and I can't stop playing. It fills up the empty parts of my head quite nicely -- the parts that aren't dwelling on TLC's Life Unscripted lineup.

More news as it develops...

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