Sunday, April 02, 2006

I went down 4% body fat over the past month, which is good. It's nice to have a number in mind instead of just tugging at my waistband and thinking, there's more space in there.

We saw "The Chronicles of Narnia" at a theater filled with squirming little kids and their equally whisper-loving parental figures. It's not exactly an action packed film and the audience was bored. Three-quarters of the movie is implied violence, no real death or gore... then suddenly we're in full on war, mythical creatures hamstringing one another, decapitating unicorns, rhinos on a rampage! By then it was too little, too late.

My favorite character/actor was the white witch warrior queen woman. I was rooting for her and the rest of the Horde to win. The child actors were whiny and irritating. I never felt that way about their characters when I read the book. The book had whimsy. It had enthusiasm. This movie did not impart a sense of wonder. Except for me to wonder: what's so bad about the white queen? She certainly knows how to dual wield.

There was also a lot of questing on the part of the child actors -- and I don't want to ruin it -- but the worst Santa ever. That's right, it's a Santa who only hands out weapons. Then there were a lot of talking forest creatures, but the movie ends with the actors chasing a stag through the woods -- with the assumed intention of killing it for sport.

In closing, this film was a composite of many others including but not limited to: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Flowers in the Attic.

Thank you and good day.

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