Friday, August 01, 2008

Day 1 in Japan

It is hot. It is humid. We walked a lot today. First we went to Tully's and confused the poor cashier with our lack of language skills, but it worked out in the end. I had a honey milk latte and an egg on toast. It was very tasty. Then we went to Meiji Jingu, a shrine, and walked through the gardens. After that we walked to Harajuku and marvelled at all of the clothing stores.

Did I mention it was hot? And humid? Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter and humid-er.

We ate lunch at a "70's diner" called The Sad Cafe. I had an omelet stuffed with fried rice and curry on top. Also, a Kirin. It was tasty. Then we walked back to the hotel where we are now cooling down in the air conditioning. The clock on Jer's computer is still Seattle time, which fascinates me. Apparently it is almost midnight, but here it is almost 4pm. It's been a whole day; you would think I'd be used to it.

The pictures are trapped on the camera, but so far they are not all that exciting. Not that this is not a photogenic place, but I spend more time with my mouth hanging open in wonder than remembering to snap a picture. I will try to do better.

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