Friday, October 14, 2005

Lazy Nights

Along with a renewed interest in White Russians, comes a renewed interest in lip synching to Leonard Cohen and William Shatner and editing a series of short short stories that hold absolutely no commercial appeal but make me happy. Also, it means staring at a napping cat whose got legs splayed in every direction and conveys a general air of ennui.

It's raining and the city sparkles. I wish I had a laptop so I could sit in front of it all the time. But that's just another excuse, another in a long line of excuses for not doing the thing I should be doing. I can make excuses all day. Maybe that's my special skill. If only someone would pay me to make excuses, and pet cats. In that field I would excel.

I love that we have an icemaker and a dishwasher. It's luxury, I tell you. Pure luxury.

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