Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Night I (Mostly) Had No Internet: The Horror!

I got home from work at the usual time and we had no power. Also, there was rain and wind and general storminess outside. I lit candles and then realized that was dumb, it's still light out. So I blew them out and unpacked my packages -- chairs for the booth and canvas print racks -- and walked over to the Crab and Fish Shack to see if they had power. They didn't, but the chowder was hot, I had cash, and there was company, so I ordered a bowl and waited. While I was there the power came back on and the heavens poured down rain.

Power was restored at home by then too, only cable was down. Then cable came up then down again and now we have a tentative truce. I hear something blew up somewhere but I have not verified that tale. Wish I could be more specific.

I would've liked to have given this entry more thought and time, but I'm afraid we'll lose Internet again at any moment. (Cable Internet, go figure.) So that's my story.

To pass the time without TV, I've been making note cards and thinking I should really make a disaster kit with candles and stuff. And getting the shakes because I promised a buyer I would send an e-mail update about the status of their photo order tonight, and no can do without Internet. Fret not however, it's all taken care of now. (Like how I threw that in there? That bit about selling prints? So smooth is me.)

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