Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Bits and Pieces

The problem with Quicken is that it remembers. With the click of a button I can generate pie charts and bar graphs, perform calculations, and create income/expense ratios. With the flick of a wrist I itemize my transgessions. Money becomes corporeal. It leaves a record. And its memory is paved with the green blood of commerce, and possibly guilt. Here I'd like to quote the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's" where Holly is at Sing Sing talking to Sally, the mob guy. Sally looks at her checkbook, and says "It reads like a tragedy."

'Course I'm not really a spendthrift. My money goes to debt. But in my heart, at the end of the day, I'd rather have more stuff than a better credit score. Enter Guilt, stage left.

I dig the rain, flash flood warnings and all. My tires are under water and I don't care.

It appears the creep called twice today and hung up both times. Once at 3:48pm and then again two minutes later. I can only assume it was the creep because the display read, "Caller Unavailable," there were no voicemails, and the person was persistent. A profile is developing...

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