Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Pardon My Rage

First, the link: Pharmacist says he feared 'spiritual pain'.

"A former pharmacist said Monday he refused to fill a college student's prescription for birth control pills or transfer it to another pharmacy because he did not want to commit a sin."

This article fills me with anger. My cup runneth over with white hot rage.

"It's good for a person to be persecuted," he said when asked by his lawyer how the proceedings have affected him. "Really, it helps you grow in your faith."

I want bad things to happen to this man. I want to force his head down a toilet and flush repeatedly. He has triggered a nerve, and that nerve wants to hurt him. I don't generally advocate violence (honest!) -- but I'd sorta like to be in on his "rehabilitation" process. I can't help but wonder, was this an isolated incident? Or will more young women step forward? I can't even speak objectively about this. Fucking self-righteous asswad.

In the process of disposing the day old oil I used to fry chicken breasts... I managed to spill it all over the counter and myself. I assure you, it was comical. I continue to smell faintly of spent oil and fried chicken bits...

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