Thursday, October 14, 2004

Shhh, Quiet Time

For the whole hyperthyroid thing, I've consented to take a new pill. This pill makes me sleepy. Drinking caffeinated beverages would defeat the purpose -- on account of them making me twitchy. This pill is decidedly anti-twitch. I didn't even take the full dose and I'm close to zonking out right here on my keyboard.

This wasn't a good time to start a new pill regimen. Deadlines don't understand tired. They don't care if I twitch. I haven't felt quite this pressured since I was a student. It feels like I'm writing an incredibly dense essay on subjects I only vaguely grasp and I never went to lecture so I'm puzzling through a friend's notes for clues and the professor is a hard ass who doesn't believe in multiple choice. I would like to sit here and issue a string of creative expletives or maybe cry. Maybe not cry. Puffy eyes are so five minutes ago. I'm nothing if not hip.

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