Friday, March 09, 2007


Hi. In case you were wondering? Hi. I do not have a secret blog. Just the one. And also? I had some beer tonight. I know. You are too refined to drink and blog, but me? Not so much. Somehow I am home, although the cats want my seat. And I am sleepy. Maybe I will sleep in. Or maybe I will be awakened by claws on the wooden door scraping at 6am and I will feed the cats. Because that is what I do.

So sad. Time flies. And cliches wrench parts of you that you didn't know could feel. Hi. If you are who I think you are, don't be a stranger. How do you know any of it is real? You could be dead tomorrow. Or rather, what burr stuck in my craw that it still rings? Was it pants? Or the gorgonzola cheese dip.

1 comment:

George said...

If your cheese can form into a burr, throw it out at once.