Monday, March 19, 2007

Tonight there were anti-war protests, which I sorta watched from my skyscraper office building because I'm just that sort of fat cat. But I'm also a realist who understands that protests make the buses run late, which actually makes me a fat cat realist environmentalist commuter drunk. So I accepted an offer to drink made by C Ro and we went to the Whiskey Bar and Nite Lite Lounge.

At both fine establishments I indulged in the PBR selection. Whisky Bar serves it from a can, and Nite Lite Lounge serves it on tap. Also nachos. Whisky Bar had very nice paintings of lovely nude ladies stretched out on pool tables, but Nite Lite Lounge had wheelie chairs and a diorama of the San Francisco Earthquake. I think. And a bathroom that beeped. But no paper towels.

Thus stands my review.

Mostly I meant not to drink tonight, but the offer was too good to refuse. And boy am I glad I did. Good times and awesome dioramas all around.

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