Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Surprises & Sickness

One of the best surprises happened during the California trip: my sister magically appeared fresh from Iraq. Or mostly fresh. It was completely unpredicted and I cried a little. As my in-laws would say, "I squirted some."

She attended the dinner and met Jer's family, most of whom didn't believe she actually existed. But she did, and she does, and it was awesome.

Today the sniffles are letting up a bit. I woke up fewer times choking than the previous night, always good.

Make sure you check out tomorrow's photo at On Focus Photo Blog. I am especially proud of it. Fish-eye, meet rose. So happy together.

I admit I am not in the best mood ever. I've been eating too much and need to go back to the gym, but with all the sniffles and the scratchy throat, I've been giving myself a pass. As well as an inordinate amount of heavy cream. There are other things going on which make me cranky, and someday I may tell the Internet about it, but now is not the time.

One more thing. My sister made me get a manicure and pedicure while she had her hair lightened. I've never had this done before and it was weird. I am not sure whether I liked it or not, but it seemed like an awful lot of time to stare at a person filing the bottom of my foot or snipping the crap out of my cuticles. Also, nail filing is the worst noise in the entire world.

So... I think I lean towards not liking it.

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