Thursday, June 15, 2006

I slept 12 hours last night. What do I win?

On the way in to work from the thyroid ultrasound, I stopped to buy a breakfast sandwich. It was a place I'd never been before, cute little hole in the wall, cheap sandwiches and a lot of business types flowing in and out. I ordered, I paid, I noticed jars of guava jam I wanted to buy, I looked at my change, and realized it was $10 short. So I said to the nice man, "I paid with a $20 bill." And he said, "No, you paid with a ten." This went back and forth for a minute until I said, "Listen I just went to the ATM. They don't give $10 bills at the ATM. What do we do now?" He wrote down my name and number on a blue post-it note and said when he reconciled the books in the evening, he'd determine who was correct. In the mean time I should plan to stop back the following morning.

The next morning I got my ten dollars back.

As he handed me the money he said, "It's funny. The woman behind you in line swore she saw you pay with a ten." I'm not sure how to respond to that because obviously I did not, and obviously the woman was lying. So I let it go. And ordered another breakfast sandwich.

What do you want from me? I'm not made of stone.

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