Wednesday, July 25, 2007

a little victory

I just got back from the gym and boy are my arms tired.

(That's not exactly true since today was ab and lunge day.)

I've got great news for me though. I'm back to losing weight instead of gaining it. I lost the 4 pounds I gained after the last contest and my parent's visit. And I'm back to recording my meals in a food diary and bringing my lunches -- okay, mostly out of frugality, but it counts. I'm actually back to where I was at the end of the last contest, at the end of June, only this time without giving up booze. Yay, booze! Especially red wine!

Do you doubt me? WRONG ANSWER.


KikiRiki said...


Congrats :) I love red wine too.

George said...

Did you draw that using wine as ink?

Folly Blaine said...

kikiriki: Thanks!

George: What a wonder-ful world that'd be...