Monday, August 29, 2005

Patience is a Fucking Virtue

Thinking about today brings expletives to my lips.

I crossed a few more items off the list. For the move, I changed the destination to the depot instead of having the trailer delivered to our apartment. This arrangement saves us $150, which we will now use to rent the U-Haul needed to bridge the gap between the depot and our apartment.

I paid strong, agile men to rotate and align the tires on my car. These men were listening to the Indigo Girls over their loudspeaker. I sang along.

I paid a different group of able men to change the oil and pour fluids into funnels to keep my engine operating at its full potential. These men also replaced one radiator cap and a valve.

I got a cute haircut.

I opened a checking and savings account with an unnamed national bank. It required large amounts of patience because the person who opened the account was brand new, eager to please, and didn't have enough training. He was very kind, but when he went looking for his trainer, the trainer had disappeared. We fumbled through somehow, and I will consider myself lucky if my account numbers are correct and the checks I ordered arrive eventually.

It's the first time I've ever thought to myself, "These are the last people who should have my money. Maybe if I creep out quietly, they won't notice I left." Instead I decided to give them a chance, but if anything else gets screwed, I'm holding out for a credit union.

At least I got to read another hundred pages of "Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell." At least.

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