Wednesday, August 24, 2005


We bought sedatives for the cats. You know, just in case. It's possible that 20 hours in the car might push our adorable, little angels over the edge. As it is, when they realize we've moved their feline asses to Seattle, I bet we'll find them standing over us in the night, claws extended and pressed against our throats, demanding safe passage back to paradise.

I'm contemplating VoIP for the new place. I hate the cost of cell phones, and while I'm not sure I could live without one, I can at least lower my monthly usage and reduce my cost. Vonage is the current front-runner, with Packet8 and Skype close behind. I like that with the first two I can use a proper phone without being shackled to my desk. I hate how much energy I've expended on this problem when phones are my least favorite utility.

I've got an acute case of phone aversion. I just don't trust 'em. They're like, tools of the devil, man.

Jer has been very helpful. He made lots of calls today on my behalf and suffered my anxiety. It looks like we're renting a U-Haul and transferring our belongings from one big ass truck to a smaller ass truck and then unloading it all at our apartment. It's inconvenient and messy, but has the added benefit of keeping us sane and not costing an extra $400. The other way we would have had to unload everything in one hour, which is not even remotely possible, as much as we would like it to be.

I finally checked in with our current landlord and we are set to move. I (big surprise) was a little worried we hadn't heard from him and thought maybe he hadn't received our notice. I should have known though, since this is the man who describes himself as a "capitalist hippie," that we were all just taking it easy and his response was on its way. Dude, relax.

If only I could get sedatives for me. Those lucky cat bastards.

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