Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Tooth is Stranger Than Fiction

Our 48 discount boxes were delivered yesterday. They're all bound and neatly stacked in the living room. Now replace "neatly" with "precariously" and "stacked" with "tilted at angles to make gravity angry" and you've got a clearer picture.

We packed two more boxes of books last night. I think that brings our book box total to 7, and there are still 3 1/2 bookcases left.

Checked another couple of items off the list today. Got my teeth cleaned and made an appointment to get Vash micro-chipped... I have excellent oral hygiene, in case you were wondering. If anyone ever needed to identify my decaying, waterlogged corpse by comparing dental X-rays of my overbite to the shattered pieces of my jawbone, there's no doubt there'd be a match.

So you know, don't even try.

When my boss asked what I planned to do after the site closure, I replied, "I'm not worried. I can always go back to stripping." And later when he asked about my future goals, I said, "Well, I'd like to work my way up to Madam, you know, work my way up the pole..."

Anything for a laugh.

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