Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No rest for the wicked

Kon-nichi-wa! I am now in "get ready to visit Tokyo" while "preparing for next festival" and "getting all my work done" mode. Also, I find myself (stupidly) in "retrieve abandoned driver's license from the Shoe Pavilion" mode...

But hey, I bought inexpensive new Easy Spirits for all the walking I'll be doing. And (hold onto your hats) I'm wearing them right now!

I also ordered a monopod and a new and improved Lowepro (camera bag) to hold my big ass lens and camera. It's a Mini Trekker, if you're curious. And I exchanged some USD for Yen, which was very exciting. Please don't rob me.

My 4 GB memory card arrived along with my digital photo storage unit and extra battery so that's good. I should probably buy some shorts or something since the weather is hot and very humid and I am a delicate flower who will be lugging around a gazillion pounds in her camera bag. I think I will also make a bean bag out of lentils and a Ziploc baggy to balance my camera. I am so crafty!

I put in another order for prints and mats so I can mat stuff when I get home. And I licensed a couple of digital images last week so I can help offset some costs, which was excellently timed.

Next I need to do some solid research with the guidebook and plan my trip a bit better. So much to see! So much to shoot! Ohh I should get some batteries for my flash... I ate some eel sushi for lunch yesterday to get in the proper mindset. whoo hoo!

I will only see Jeremy on Friday night after work and then he is gone until I meet him in Tokyo. Oh the humanity.

I should mention, as a follow-up, that Bite of Seattle was very successful for us and we had a great time working the event. My one and only complaint were the seagulls, who took advantage of every opportunity to crap on me. Once down my back and once on my huge Greek nose. I am not exactly sure how I angered the entire avian fleet, but I was definitely on their shit list.

Hahahahaha. I am so funny.

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