Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hi. I'm sleepy but that's okay. Before work I checked on my friend's cats and they were happy I gave them wet food, but sad I wasn't the correct human giving them wet food. At least that's how I've anthropomorphized the situation.

I was measured and pinched and weighed yesterday to see where I'm at:

  • Since the start of the contest I've lost 4% body fat and 10 pounds.
  • Since the start of working out I've lost 8% body fat and 13 pounds.
  • Since last year I've lost 11% body fat and 18 pounds.
This puts me at 30% body fat, which is still higher than what is considered healthy, but no longer in the obese camp. (Obese camp sounds like the best vacation ever. I would only pack tater tots. And maybe a CamelBak full of vodka.)

I've posted 17 photos at the store so far. Before I officially advertise I plan to post at least 50. Don't forget to subscribe to the RSS feed.

Tonight is the Project Management class. I'm thinking of taking a one-time 3-hour class next month on starting a small business. Then I will be done with classes for awhile. Don't want to burn out.

I need caffeine.

P.S. Manager and manger are two very different words. Like, night and day different. Stop confusing them, unknown person who I am indirectly referring to.

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