Monday, September 05, 2005

The Last Stand

There are still so many things to pack, and the cats aren't any help at all. I thought they'd at least be good for a box or two, but no. It's all, "Feed me this," and "Pet me that," and "Aren't I so cute snuggled next to the bird cage?"

Which reminds me... Anybody want a bird?

The washer and dryer are being picked up tomorrow. A parking space is blocked off for the van, still. And the toaster oven defies all of our boxes and must be carried delicately in the trunk of my car. It is a pretty pretty princess.

Today we bought a ladder and bolt cutters. After having my bike unusable for the last two years, it was very satisfactory to snap the chain. Now there is no guilt when we hand it over to the neighbor. It could have easily gone another way:

Neighbor: About the bike...
Me: Yes?
N: It's very nice, only --
Me: Only what?
N: Do you notice anything, odd about the front tire?
Me: Hmm. It looks all right to me. Maybe it's low. Shall I pump it up for you?
N: There's plenty of air. It's just that, well. Do you see how the spokes are shackled to the frame there?
Me: Ah, yes. The theft deterrent device.
N: Can I have the combination?
Me: I'm afraid that's quite impossible.
N: Um, can you undo it for me then?
Me: Didn't I tell you the bike was "as is?"
N: Well, yes.
Me: And didn't I give it to you free?
N: I suppose so.
Me: Then it's settled.
N: But I can't ride it.
Me: Yes, but you touched it last. It's yours.
And then ME runs away, giggling maniacally.

The End.

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