Sunday, September 11, 2005

Seal of Approval

We set up the air mattress in the living room so we can see the skyline at night. I didn't fill it all the way because the electric blower was so noisy and I've probably broken enough rules tonight already. It seems like there's a rule for everything, which would be fine, if only someonewould give us a comprehensive list.

The drive today stretched from 7:30am to 5:30pm, with a few stops to answer nature's call. I faced my fear in Oregon and stopped for gas. I'm just not comfortable with someone else pumping gas for me, when my two hands are perfectly fine. Especially when the person overfills my tank by quite a lot and I know that's not a good thing. I'm sure there are reasons that you can't pump your own gas in Oregon, but I don't know what they are and it seems silly when I just did it myself the previous 5,462 times (give or take).

So, we're here. We've got the bare minimum and the cats' eyes are all puffy from the sedatives which should come with the warning: Does not make your cat sleepy so don't even try. Poor Jer listened to them cry all day. I listened to Bill Bryson audio books and ate caviar. Or chocolate frosted donettes.

I'm a little slap happy from the not sleeping. And the ten hours of driving. And all the crap road food I ate. But I'm happy to be here and possess keys and the most fantastic view ever. When we're not borrowing the neighbor's unsecured wireless, I'll post a few photos to prove that I'm not lying. But now it is time for all good men to sleep.

PS I can hear a seal barking. Make that two seals.

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