Sunday, April 11, 2004

Two Steps Sideways

Back to Dar Williams. "End of the Summer" album.

I ate something that doesn't agree with me, in fact, we're having an argument. A balls to the wall domestic dispute.

I made food for Easter. All of it from mixes. A potato dish, a meat dish, and a pumpkin pie. It made the apartment smell like somebody actually lives here and doesn't just play NeverWinter Nights Gold Edition for fun and profit. (Nix the profit and that statement is true.)

About nine o'clock last night I hit the send button and watched the first full nine pages of my play disappear. Hooray for meeting deadlines! Hooray for working through procrastination! That wily bitch!

The word count of the Other Project stands at 18,000 words. When I feel better I'll find some ice cream to celebrate. Little victories.

I'm re-reading "American Gods"by Neil Gaiman now that I've finished the Sandman series. And I found, found delirium and I'm so happy. Deliriously happy. I like when worlds collide - as long as it's from a distance. Colliding worlds would be a messy prospect if I were standing on the surface of one of the worlds doing the colliding. Rocks and hair everywhere. And I feel so silly since I thought I knew things about mythology but then I didn't even know what an ifrit is. Everybody who has ever played Final Fantasy knows what an ifrit is, but I never played it. If only I was cool …

Rock band title you can steal: Cesar Chavez and the Housewives.