Sunday, November 04, 2007

Change your clocks

Every Sunday morning for weeks I find myself in the same spot: sitting at my desk, catching up on Bloglines, checking statements, basically goofing off. Jer is still asleep surrounded by cats and goose feathers. He got home from work around 1:30am and he'll be sleeping for another couple of hours.

And every Sunday morning like clockwork, I hear his work phone buzz and vibrate on his desk. It, irrationally, annoys the crap out of me -- that that piece of plastic has so much control over our lives.

This is our one day off together and truthfully it's usually just an email he can ignore or a quick question, nothing important, but I just wish they'd leave him alone for one day.

In the Venn diagram of our weeks, Sunday is the only day that overlaps completely. I guess it shouldn't come as a shock that I'm protective of it.

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